I have tried to do this for so many years and have puttered out after January. In an attempt to try this again for 2010 I thought it might be easier to concentrate on ONE subject. My first choice was something immobile like my birdbath...see the picture in my header...it looks exactly like that probably 360 days out of the year - the other five days it is frozen. Pretty boring, easy and just, well BORING. I think I can take on something a little more challenging - my first thought was Amos. He loves the camera, performs on command without any incentive other than dog kisses...hmmmmm sounding a lot like my bird bath. Then Jesse saunters in. Pretty well behaved 90% of the time, active, yet does things with his own personality - kind of like a model would. The challenges of photographing Jesse are going to be invaluable lessons for me. I wanted to do a personal photography project and this fulfills that need. Jesse will be always testing my skills as a photographer... 1. always having your camera handy - whether it's my (new) bad boy, iPhone or point&shoot. 2. metering his face, white on one side, dark on the other and bright blue eyes. 3. focus points, he has a pretty large snot so making sure what I want in focus is IN focus (I have a lot of great detail shots of Jesse's nose!). There you have it, 365 Days of Jesse.