It's been fun, it's been real, it's time for another change. You can find me over here:
Be sure to update your Google Reader and any feeds! Look forward to seeing you on the other side -
It's been fun, it's been real, it's time for another change. You can find me over here:
Be sure to update your Google Reader and any feeds! Look forward to seeing you on the other side -
April 11, 2011 in life in general | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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I apologize for the late post on our LAST week! Can you believe that we made it this far?? You have all done so well!
We are on the home stretch now, so for week eight - the last habit, we are going to add a cup of vegetables to at least two of our meals. Just like last week where we were adding fruits this week we are going to add vegetables.
Why are we going to do this?
Here is an example of a daily meal pattern:
Starchy vegetables (higher in carbohydrates - count these in your carb count!)
Non-starchy vegetables (choose from this list - these are 'free')
Make it Happen
If you haven't been a vegetable eater - keep this in mind: your tongue will actually crave what you feed it. In the beginning of this week you may feel like are having to force feed yourself the vegetables, but after awhile you will notice that you will crave certain vegetables. Hang in there!
Be sure to send in your points for the last few weeks - Good luck this week!
March 28, 2011 in Health | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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I am working on a personal blog project and need help saving and transferring all my photos from this blog to a special NEW place. The process looks something like this:
Suggestions on Saving and Replacing Images:
If this is something that you are capable of doing and need to earn some extra mooola - email me [email protected] for the details.
March 20, 2011 in life in general | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Everyone is having such great results! Okay here is life habit seven - Choose fruit as your carbohydrate for at least two (minimum) of your meals
WHY are we going to do this?
What is our daily pattern going to look like? Here is an example just so we can get our arms around this...
Remember: meals are two to three hours apart and TWO fruit servings per meal is the minimum. You can add it to more of your meals if you choose.
Better Choices - concentrate here
Always have the fruits with your protein!
Make it HAPPEN
March 19, 2011 in Health | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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The events of Japan have affected me in a way that is hard to explain. While we don't have any immediate family in Japan - I am sure my grandpa would have been devestated to see the destruction of his home country, again.
I believe,that a day of silence is just what we need. Thanks to my friend Brandi I found this site For Japan with Love and other sites that are needing donations.
It's hard to know where to start giving and I believe getting the word out is a good place to start.
If you are looking to donate for the animal rescue efforts in Japan check this site out on how to help them - thank you Brandi for that link!
March 17, 2011 in life in general | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Not really Champagne Supernova but a Supernova Quilt-A-Long... yes, I am not even done with my Single Girl quilt and I am signing up to do another! Will you join me on this one?
For this quilt I am thinking of using either the same collection she used by Denyse Schmidt - Hope Valley or Anna Maria Horner's - Innocent Crush cotton.
I have been following Lees' blog for some time now and always enjoy reading about her quilting journey. I am going through many of the trials and tribulations that she experienced a year ago so it's good to know I am not alone. I also enjoy her W.I.P. Wednesday and hope to launch this on my new blog [hint-hint] soon - it will include all sorts of projects, not just quilting.
March 15, 2011 in sewing/quilting | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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So sorry this post is late! Had a super busy weekend - full of food, music and running. WHEW- we are moving on to week six! You are going to replace all white flour/grains (processed flours with WHOLE GRAINS.
Why are we going to do this?
Processed flour (grains) will sabotage your efforts to burn body fat. Whole grains are filling, contain nutrients, and are higher in fiber. So much better for you!
White flour + Eggs + Sugar = fatty thighs, hips and stomach
March 14, 2011 in Health | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Gearing up for a busy latter half of the week! Portlandia type of events - comibned with early morning [3AM PST] UK promo launches at work is going to be sporting at best.
First up, today is the Drive by Truckers concert. This is Kirk's band of the moment right now and we are going to make it an afternoon and evening event.They are doing a pre-show concert at Music Millenium and then their sold out concert is at the Wonder Ballroom.Which also means dinner at Russell Street BBQ!
Friday evening is also includes music - Iris Dement @ the Aladdin Theater. If you have seen the movie True Grit you might recognize her song Leaning On the Everlasting Arms. Excited to go with friends and have dinner at Foster Burger
Saturday is the 21st annuall Buckman Art Show with good friends and followed by an early dinner at Screen Door
Then Sunday - after all the good eats and drinks [won't be earning any challenge points the next few days!] I will be running [but mostly walking] the 5K Shamrock Run! I am hoping that my new Shamrock socks will keep me motivated.
The rainy weather, music scene, art scene and exercise you couldn't ask for more 'Portlandia' .... if you live in the area or visiting be sure to check out some of these places!
March 10, 2011 in Food and Drink, Friends, Music | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Okay, here a quick run down of some of the foods you should try to eat regularly to boost your omega-3 intake:
I find it difficult to get the needed Omega allowance so I take straight Omega 3 fish oil. I am going to disclose to you what I take.... I don't recommend this to anyone without consulting your doctor! But I take a teaspoon of fish oil with a small glass of orange juice - the size of a shot glass. Not something that you want to enjoy, you just want to get it down. I also put it in my smoothie!
The fish oil that I take is marketed for horses. Yes, I wrote HORSES. They make a human form but it's more expensive than the one they have packaged for horses. A friend of mine turned me on to this - she raises horses and has been taking her Omega 3 oil like this for years! The company is called Wellpride and you can check them out here. One of the reasons I take the actual oil is because the pill form made my stomach really upset, I am not sure why but with the oil I am fine.
March 09, 2011 in Health | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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I am still working on this and haven't given up yet... everything is so new to me I am feeling encouraged to keep on going! I have learned so much - here are few tips:
I have put together my pieces - by chain piecing...
You need to pay attention to this task and always have a good seam ripper...
Traced my background template onto the pink background fabric...
Cut the background pieces with a straight edge & rotary cutter and hand scissors for the curves...
Then instead of pinning the curves I glue basted them - HUGE time saver! you just need a tiny tiny tiny bit. I learned this at the last quilt guild meeting from Rachel. It doesn't take any time for it to dry since it's such a small amount and it doesn't gum up your machine. It also washes out when you wash the quilt.
The gals that are hosting this support group have great tutorials:
Ready to join in yet??
March 08, 2011 in sewing/quilting | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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